Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Canada has been the most amazing few days on the tour!!! Both Vancouver and Calgary left me wanting to spend more time in those areas.

First off the Calgary show was so much fun, it was on an old race track that they were shutting down the very next day to turn it into a land fill (fun fact). The main reason why I loved it there so much was because the kids were so very polite!!! There was no teenage angst, nor was there any negativity entering the venue; even when we didn't have their T shirt size they would say "please" and "thank you."

Canada is the home country for a few bands on this tour, Alexisonfire, Lights, and Silverstein. Alexisonfire is most definitely the home town heroes of Canada; when they walk around the lots in America they can most-likely go unnoticed; however, over here, they have to have a full S.W.A.T. team following them. Their tent had a constant 15 person line waiting for a tee shirt (another reason why I love these kids they wait in a perfectly formed line and waited their turn for tees).

I was lucky to be able to catch Alexisonfires set at the end of the day. I walked on stage about ten minutes before show time to get prime seats for this set, which is on the side of the stage next to the sound tables. From the main stage, you have a very good view of the entire venue. There I was able to look out into the crowd and there were kids only in front of the stage, no where else in the whole venue. I had never seen anything like that for any of the sets. It was so bizarre; yet so cool to see. After a few minutes of making small talk with the family of one of the members, they took the stage and the crowd went CRAZY, and nobody was standing still. I looked directly across the stage and there was Arturo bobbing his head to the sweet beats flowing from the speakers, we made eye contact and just started laughing and he gave me thumbs up. At one point, I saw this hat come flying to the stage and fell right on Dallas' guitar petals. He reached down and put the hat on; the crowd went insane and it seemed like everyone and their mom threw up different pieces of clothing in hopes that one of the members would wear it.... and they guys put on 60 percent of every clothing item thrown up on stage, and after a minute or so of wearing it they would take it off and throw it back into the crowd. It looked like a feeding frenzy in a shark tank after forgetting to feed them for a week. It was a complete mad house. After they finished up their set, I had to wait a minute to exit the stage after the band and I looked out to the crowd and people were crying, I don't know if it were happy or sad tears but it was a sob fest.

The second Day was in Vancouver and that was an adventure to say the least.

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