Monday, August 10, 2009

Denver, CO

Sunshine in Denver made for a lovely day, but the hail lightning and thunder at night left the hometown heroes 3oh!3's fans all wet!

To start off the day, the band The Maine took the Hurley stage but mid way through their set the huge inflatable dome overhang lost power and deflated onto the stage. It happened so fast that midway through a song,they dropped their instruments and ran for an open area. The audience had a good laugh.

3oh!3 has the worst luck with weather on warped!!! Every time there might be a chance of rain, they are always stuck playing during the heaviest part of the storm. As they took the stage at 8:30, you could see the lightning in the distance with the shadow of rain falling from the clouds. As they began the set, the wind picked up and the clouds moved in faster than expected. I was standing behind the sound board as Jr and Geary ran franticly around trying to put plastic over everything and move all the wires to higher ground. Geary and JR are the two guys on tour that if something went wrong, they would be there to help. I have a lot of faith in them; however, they were in a sheer panic which made me more nervous than I had ever been!! All of the sudden a bolt of lightning crackeded across the sky, and Geary ran over and grabbed their equally frantic stage manager . Then he ran over and cleared everyone off the stage (which means their was a real emergency.) Jr grabbed me and Whitney and left the stage into the main loading truck with all the security guards. As people attempted to get into the truck, security was yelling at them telling saying they weren't allowed in, making them run for cover. The rain was beating down so hard it sounded like bullets hitting the tin truck. Then Nat jumped on the mic and announces that they have to cut their set short and they will only play one more song!!! So what do u do when you feel like u might die? You dance!!! So Jr, Whitney and myself danced our fears away to Starstruck in the back of the truck. Marble sized hail were like bb's, pelting people who were trying to find shelter. As the band wrapped up their set, and then ran into their bus, the clouds parts and the rain stopped... Did they get the short end of the stick or what?!?

When we returned to the bus, we dried off while we played the board game Apples to Apples and drank hot tea!!! Thank u Denver for the unexpected day!!!

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