Saturday, July 18, 2009

Camden, NJ

I'm living my life in open parking lots and every venue seems similar to the next . It's a shock when it's a venue that is not cement and gravel. Camden was was no different; however, there was one thing that separated it from the rest, it looked out to Philly!!! It was a pretty tame day, considering that the forecast called for Rain... Which it did. But it was a lot of fun too because Donovon (Arturo's assistant last year) came out to see what it was all about, and needless to say, he was AWESOME!!! We compared Arty stories, talked about common things people ask, stories from last year vs. this year. He brought a few of his friends who were hilarious, it seemed like had been friends for years.

The weather was so strange !!! It started off pretty hot, humid and not a cloud in the sky, but as the morning went on, the wind slowly picked up and by the time doors opened it was completely overcast. We weren't expecting a DOWN POUR...with thunder and lightning!!!!! Arty and I finished packing up our set up around 6:30 at 7 the bus 14 crew got dinner; but as were all walking back it started to really rain. Then as Jasmine and I get back to the bus, we realize that our share bike was outside... Instead of waiting it out we got this brilliant idea to pack it up in the under carriage of the bus. Needless to say that was a bad choice! It took us 30 minutes of trying to put it in the bay while being rained upon and surrounded by thunder and lightening. We finally finished and were soaked from head to toe... The rain stops. Everyone got a really great chuckle out of that one... Except Jas and me.

Our friend, Erin was smart and waited out the storm. She told us that her friends were opening up for LFO... She didn't even have time to get the O out her mouth before we had our wallets in hand asking where the closest taxi was. (for those who don't know LFO is a boy band from 2000 who had 2 hits) Jas, Christine, Rob Baptist and I crossed the bridge to Philly with our dancing shoes tied tight. As we arrived to the North Star Bar everyones faces just lit up at the thought of seeing LFO. After waiting for an hour they took the stage...It was incredible

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