Thursday, July 30, 2009


Due to a series of beneficial events, or some might say, unfortunate events, I was able to see 3 bands in one day!
After checking out Breakdown's set, I wandered over to the Hurley Stage to hear Alexisonfire's most awe inspiring set. Between Dallas Green's powerful vocals and George's constant low screams, their performance was one of the most crowd pleasing sets in Atlanta. There were so many crowd surfers that George announced from the stage that more security was needed. A full security team was added in place to catch the kids and control any rushes to the stage. They had a few songs left in their set when I noticed the wind starting to pick up and the sky started to become gray and murky. Definitely my cue to head back to my bus.

I was headed back to my bus, when I heard Junior, the head of security, calling my name from a mic at the main stage, saying "Molly, do you know what it's like to tell 2000 screaming girls in the middle of a thunder storm that All Time Low's stage has been switched?" Then the audience morphed into a form that looked like a massive school of fish swimming away into the shelter of the amphitheater. In stead of heading back to my bus, I had to head to the ATL stage too.

The lot was empty and as the winds were blowing tossing tents around, I felt like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. I only had a about a 100 yard walk, but with the rain coming down like bullets and thunder and lightning were crashing it seemed like an eternity.

The amphitheater was full by the time Big D finished their set, and there was a nervous energy as Valencia was about to go on. They have never been in front of such a huge audience. They have a punk/ pop vibe, just like ATL, so I think this was the perfect crowd for them. Even the set up crew started to dance before their next set up. When Valencia finished up their set the security told everyone on the stage that they had to leave and stand outside. I was walking towards the door and Geary (head stage manager) looked at me and points to the direction of the sound booth. I was slightly confused, and he walked over and said "you can stay and hang out in the sound booth." I was beyond excited!!! As the band took the stage the crowd of fans (who had waited two hours to see them) went insane. The intensity of the excitement filled the entire amphitheater, and then Jack started playing the rift for their newest single, and there are no words that can fully explain everything I had seen. After that one song I realized it was almost bus call and I had to make my way back to my home on wheels.

I do believe this has been the most rain Warped has ever seen... rain rain please please go away!!! tomorrow we are in OHIOOO!!!

I was so excited for this series of unfortunate events

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