Thursday, July 16, 2009

Columbia, Maryland

I have come to realize that the East coast is ten times more lush and beautiful than the West coast. During our summer months everything is brown and dried out, but here we seem to be placed in these beautiful forest like environments which bring to life the empty lots we're playing.

Today was a really hard day because one of my favorite busmates left :-( Joseph works for Green peace and took two weeks off to join the tour. He added so much life and personality to our bus that it was really hard to say goodbye. He was so peaceful and calming all the time that it feels like i lost part of myself.

There was one random WTF moment of the day and that was when Fat Mike just walked on our bus just to hang out... Now that doesn't just happen on Warped. For those of you who do now know him, Fat Mike is like the Godfather of this tour; he is the singer for NOFX. He thought that tonight was a great opportunity to meet us lovely folk on bus 14. He just held court, telling us stories for close to an hour about random things like what his songs are really about... definitely a night I doubt I will never forget.

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