Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Yesterday was a day of swimming, massages, amazing food and the softest pillows my head has ever touched. Today, I'm not so relaxed. It's 110 degrees, I'm out of water and we're one of the last ones to get our merch. I'm in Arizona, and with this heat, I know what hell feels like, and there is no way to escape it.

I spend 45 minutes outside the tent, and today I was able to catch The Ataris. When I heard them play " In This Diary, " I felt like I was 14 again at a middle school dance. I can honestly say that they are one of the few bands that sound the same live as they do on their records! A few months ago, The Ataris played a show called "Hoodwinked" where they played an entire Misfits set. Today, they played a few songs with their spin on it. I thought I wouldn't care for it, but they played a great 30 minute set with lots of energy.

My favorite part about this job is people watching. The characteristics from state to state are so different, whether it's the style that the kids are wearing or the way they act in general. It's really interesting to watch from a step back. Whoever said that all Americans are the same has never been on tour.

After the show tonight, I'm looking forward to watching "Planet Earth" with my Baby cake friends. Our tv on the bus has no sound, so my British mates will ad lib a commentary, and I'm sure they will be so funny.

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